Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Chanel + Audrey Tautou = french perfection

i stumbled across this amazing little movie while killing time and daydreaming of warm-weather adventures. lovely!

i heart chanel no. 5 ~ and audrey tatou {amelie?!} ~ the sensual cinematography ~ oh, perfect fashion {high-waist jeans, demure colors, romantic curls} ~ and wanderlust...again... *sigh*

(see the high-quality video here)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

already i have fallen behind... lo siento!

there are so many fleeting inspirations, questions or ideas that dance through my mind and i really want to give them a little place to maybe turn into a grand thought or idea. (sigh) but unfortunately, i've let the tyranny of the urgent suck up all my time... so i'll try and get better.

but in the meantime, i just want to share this lovely, lovely video that i heart for several reasons:

1. sometimes it is the seemingly chance encounters that can open a window into something significant and heart-altering.
2. it was pieced together from over 4500 still camera shots (!!). hmmm, i wanna try!
3. inspired wanderlust... oh to be in italy... or france right now.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

inspired springtime fashion

i am SO excited that finally spring is here! and adding to my excitement, i found a beautiful catalog that i love as much for the photography as i do the style. lovely, yes?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

a sister's affirmation

Well, I have finally decided to give blogging a try... Hmmm, I'm not sure how this will go BUT... Why not, right?

So here goes...

This week started out a little hard for me. But my sister, Kandi, knows me better than anyone and she decided to create an encouragement suprise. When I came home from a meeting and went into my room she had prepared a beautiful display with a card reminding me that I am worthy of love and to keep hope alive for a dream still unwrapped... Perfect. Timing.

The Wait

it seemed
like years
I picked
a bouquet
of kisses
off her
and put
into a
the wait
was worth it...

Because I was in love

(Richard Braultigen)